Phyllostachys Nigra | Black Bamboo
Phyllostachys nigra, or Black Bamboo, is a giant grass characterized by large woody stems that is native to Southern China. Plants spread by very vigorous rhizomes and it is considered a running form of bamboo. In nature,
Black Bamboo will reach 25 feet (>7.6 m) tall and the stem at maturity will reach 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. Clumps can become very large if left uncontrolled. The stems start out green and become speckled, changing to brownish or purplish black at maturity. Leaves are medium green, 6 inches (15 cm) long and about 1/2 to 1 inch (1.25-2.5 cm) wide. In containers, it make an outstanding looking plant, but due to the vigorous growth they will outgrow most containers in a couple of years. Black Bamboo is seen to break ceramic pots with their rhizomes. In the landscape, they make great hedge plant, but be careful about controlling their roots. It is hardy in the landscape in USDA zones 8-10.
Expected Height: 20 to 35 feet
Hardiness: 5° F
USDA Zone recommended 7 through 10