Clematis - climbers plant

Clematis mixed color

Clematis also known as traveller's joy garden hybrids have been popular among gardeners.plants like Clematis can be allowed to wander through trees and shrubs where they add splashes of colour in surprising places while more substantial climbers such as Wisteria need a more solid structure to support them.

Form: Deciduous vine
Sun Exposure: Partial Shade/Full Sun
Height/Habit: 6' - 10'
Spread: 3' - 4'
Spacing: 3' - 4'
Hardiness Zone: 5 - 9 (20 degrees F)
Foliage Type: Opposite, pinnate leaflets ovate slightly pubescent beneath
Flowering Date: Early Summer to Early Fall
Planting Requirements: Set at the same level it is growing at in the container. Firm well and water in thoroughly.
Soil Requirements: Good drainage is important. Fertile, moisture retentive soil.
Growth Rate: Slow to establish which can take 6-8 weeks. Fast once established to location
Time of Pruning: Late winter to early spring.

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